The Complete Goldwax Singles Vol. 3 1967-1970
You're right, I skipped volume 2 but that was because the store didn't have it. I'll get it, at some point, but I'm not in a hurry because this is volume 3 and contains no less than 56 songs.
Goldwax as a company went on the way down during this period, musically it continued to peak. Featured artists are of course James Carr but also Spencer Wiggins and Timmy Thomas amongst others. Singles means songs come in pairs, decide on your own A's, B's or double A's. Soul-heavy (and good soul it is, 'northern' & 'southern') and C&W. Beware of this though, the soul/C&W changes can disrupt your listening experience. Furthermore Goldwax was Memphis-based and there must be something in the water that's beneficial to anyone playing a brass instrument or singing background vocals.
It's an Ace release, so you know what you'll get in terms booklet (extensive on the songs mainly) and illustrations (the usual labels). The pieces on the songs are good and varied but if you buy this CD you'll get it for the music (less obvious if you consider it has a 23 page booklet, Ace tries to add value to get you to buy the CD). Do give it a try, you might want to get solo compilations by James Carr and Spencer Wiggins (also available through Ace/Kent (and somewhere on this blog)) but there's certainly more to find on these comps than James Carr.
Ace/Kent, 2010
The Complete Goldwax Singles Vol. 3 1967-1970
disk 1
disk 2